Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days 21 - 31 continued

On July 28 Bonnie and I hike with another volunteer, Christine, to a ruin in White Canyon up river from Sipapu Bridge. This is a big hike for us, Bonnie especially. We pack lots of water, a lunch and energy food and take the plunge at 8:20 AM. The hike down is easy. The vertical drop is over 500'. We have to come back out this way. It is steep. Steps and ladders show how steep!

Turkey Vultures waiting for a thermal.

Sipapu Bridge from level with the top of it.

Sipapu from close to the bottom of the trail down.
See the ladder in the shade?

The canyon bottom land is lush and green. See Christine and Bonnie in the distance? If not check the next image.
At the ruins. We took gobs of pictures. Parts of the ruins were very well preserved.

Bonnie taking a well deserved rest.
All in all a neat trip. The hike up took a while but we all survived. Another great memory.


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