Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days 21 - 31 continued

On July 27 we head to Blanding to stop at a few shops and The Edge of Cedars State Park. We did not buy much at any of the places we stopped (whew.) At the state park we got to go in a real ruin that has been excavated and restored, including going down into a real Kiva.

This park has one of the best collections of ancient Puebloan pottery around. Much of it fully intact. Beautiful specimens. (Sorry, no pics)

We drive back to Natural Bridges on forest service roads. It takes a while, but is a very pretty drive.
Female Western Tanager

A herd of cows were grazing in the open range.
The rain the day before had erased all tire tracks. These are fresh tracks. Not many people travel these roads.


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