Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days 21 - 31 continued

On July 26th we decided to go to Grand Junction, Colorado, to some stores they have. Bonnie really misses the shopping she regularly and so easily does back in Sarasota. We get north of Monticello, UT and turn to go see Newspaper Rock, a huge panel of petroglyphs. We entered a rain storm on the way and have to sit 10-15 minutes in the parking lot waiting for the storm to pass. As we get out, we realize that the rain has made everything look more color saturated. It is really neat.

A small waterfall from the recent rain, falling into a pool, not a stream.

We see a head in this rock formation. Can you?

As we head north toward Moab, planning on just passing through, we realize that the rain has cooled things off. We had intended to bypass Arches NP, since, on an earlier visit, the temperature in the parking lot had been 104 F . As we pulled into the visitor center parking lot, our car showed 74 F. We decided we could stand that temperature and stay and see Arches. Glad we did. A busy place but definitely one of a kind.

These are called the 3 gossips. They remind us of the 3 wisemen.

Skyline Arch
Delicate Arch

A double arch.

A balancing rock.


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