Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 15 – Bryce Canyon NP

(Still playing catchup)
This entry is short on words, long on pictures.
We get up and have the free continental breakfast at the motel. Not bad actually. Our rough plan is to go to Bryce for the morning light, go do some other stuff and come back for late afternoon light. Bryce Canyon is not so much a canyon as it is a plateau with the edges falling away in incredible erosion patterns. Specifically, uneven erosion produces vertical columnar structures referred to as hoodoos. The different light during the day makes their appearance change almost continuously.

This is a feature known as Thor's Hammer.

We manage to see some wildlife too.

Pronghorn Antelope buck resting

All this is at least 8000’ going to 9100’. The sky is blue, the weather absolutely perfect. The clarity of the sky allows us to see mountains 80 to 100 miles distant. This is a great day! Memorable to say the least.


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