Thursday, July 30, 2009

Days 21 - 31

(I know, long time, no post.)

The 4 days that I work each week have been occupied with producing a 10 minute video suitable for showing at the park's visitor center. It is my project, my idea. So, that means I have to write the script, research the topics, narrate the script, find interesting music, pictures and video clips I can use in it and then assemble the whole thing on the laptop I have, which only has Windows Movie Maker. It took a while but it is complete and I have given the park a copy of the file. They can burn it onto a DVD. I'm done! I just have a couple of dark sky talks to give, Friday and Saturday, and it's over. Bonnie and I leave Sunday morning, heading east.

So we didn't get to do a lot of traveling or other exciting things, but we did a couple. On July 25th I went to another ruin and took some pictures. This is sunrise on the way.

These are the Butler Wash Ruins.

This is the road cut through Comb Ridge, San Juan Co. Utah. Search for that in Google Earth and you will be able to see it from 100 miles up. It is north/south ridge that is 1000 ft straight up. It was not easy for the pioneers to get over.


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