Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Day 3 – Amarillo to Flagstaff, Arizona

I woke up at 6:20 CDT, and headed over to the Walmart Tire Shop, which opened at 7:00. The day had dawned clear and sunny but not so optimistic. I was first in line and waited until they opened for business. I told them I needed them to inspect the front tires, maybe balance them. The mechanic put the right front tire on the spin balance machine and showed me that the tire was out of round and the tread from sidewall to sidewall showed a wave or wrinkle that indicated belt separation. So 2 new tires were installed on the front. Fortunately they had the same type of tires that were installed yesterday on the rear. So with a fresh set of rubber, I got back to the motel by 8:00.

We packed up, grabbed some breakfast and hit the road. Bonnie started on the caffeinated water pills. They worked, resulting in more frequent stops. But the ankles are doing better.

Today should be easier since have only 600 miles to cover and the likelihood of more belt separation is remote. :-[

The Texas panhandle was pretty flat west of Amarillo, but gradually got hilly and rolling. We stopped at the New Mexico welcome center. Very nice. Throughout the day we sensed a gradual uphill climb. Our ears popped regularly. Amarillo is at 3600’. The New Mexico border is 3900’. Tucumcari – 4100’. Santa Rosa – 4600’. We continue to climb to over 7000’, reaching a maximum of 7800’ at the continental divide west of Albuquerque. During this time clouds were building in what is the diurnal pattern of the 4 corners monsoon season. Scattered thunderstorms are visible for a great distance accompanied with its lightning escort.

We make it in to Flagstaff after a mostly uneventful day. A pleasant change. Flagstaff is a college town and is full of students and places to eat. It is also a gateway to the Grand Canyon, so this is a busy time of year.

We spring for a Chinese buffet. Then head for the motel and this blog.


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