Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some technical information about telescopes on the trip

I have heard that Natural Bridges National Monument (NABR) has a Celestron CPC series 11 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope with goto and GPS. It is mounted on wheeley bars and is rolled out of the visitor center at the edge of the parking lot. It has a white light solar filter for viewing the Sun. I'll confirm that once I get there.

I am taking a Lunt 60mm H-Alpha Solar-Telescope with B1200 blocking filter and 2" Crayford Focuser. From the Lunt website:

The LS60THa is a complete Solar Telescope. The refractor based system has a precision aligned singlet chromatic lens with a 60 mm aperture. The front singlet lens reduces the stray-light over an achromat by half. With the matched collimation lens set, it also fully corrects for on axis coma, astigmatism and de-centering aberrations and provides a full spherically corrected flat-field Solar-Telescope. The focal length is 500mm providing a ~4.5 mm image thru a 12 mm blocking filter. Fine adjustment is achieved with a Crayford style focuser with 10:1 reduction.

An internal etalon with tune adjustment allows for a <0.8 Angstrom bandpass.


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